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Easy Steps to Organize Your Home Sustainably

Creating a sustainably organized home involves mindful choices about the materials you use, how you dispose of items, and how you maintain order. Here are some ideas for sustainable home organization:

  1. Declutter Responsibly: Before organizing, declutter your home. Sort through your belongings and donate, recycle or can even have a yard sale (one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!) to make a few extra dollars. Speaking of a few extra dollars save your donation receipts, this is tax deductible!

  2. Use Sustainable Storage Solutions: Opt for storage solutions made from eco-friendly materials such as bamboo, rattan, reclaimed wood, or recycled plastic. Look for products that are durable, non-toxic, and ethically sourced.

love this bamboo stackable organizer from Deayou

  1. Repurpose and Upcycle: Get creative with repurposing items you already have. For example, turn old mason jars into storage containers or repurpose wooden crates as shelves.

  2. Invest in Multi-Functional Furniture: Choose furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes to maximize space and reduce clutter. For example, a storage ottoman can double as seating and provide storage space for blankets or books.

  3. Label Mindfully: Instead of using disposable labels, opt for reusable or biodegradable options. You can use chalkboard paint on jars or containers, invest in reusable labels made from sustainable materials, or use natural materials like twine or bamboo tags.

  4. Practice Minimalism: Embrace a minimalist mindset by prioritizing quality over quantity and only keeping items that serve a purpose or bring you joy. This reduces the need for excess storage and promotes a clutter-free environment.

  5. Compost Organic Waste: Set up a composting system for organic waste such as food scraps, paper towels, and yard waste. Composting reduces landfill waste and produces nutrient-rich soil for your garden or indoor plants.

  6. Opt for Secondhand: Consider buying gently used or vintage furniture and storage solutions from thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces. This reduces the demand for new products and extends the lifespan of existing items.

  7. Maintain and Repair: Regularly maintain and repair your furniture, organizers and storage solutions to prolong their lifespan. Simple fixes like tightening screws, oiling hinges, or patching holes can prevent the need for replacements and reduce waste.

  8. Update Your Lighting: Consider switching to eco-friendly LED light bulbs, they consume less energy and have a longer life span.

One of my favorites is the GE relax led lightbulbs on Amazon

By incorporating these sustainable home organization ideas into your routine, you can create a functional and clutter-free space while minimizing your environmental impact.


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